Easy to use and flexible Flickr gallery
No server-side
No need for server-side image fetching - user's browser requests images from Flickr by itself
Easy setup
Paste small HTML snippet and you're ready to go. No JavaScript knowledge required!
Bootstrap compatible
The script comes prepared for implementation in Bootstrap based websites or applications
Pagination included
Paginate your results using manual or automatic pagination controls
Highly customizable
Multiple options allow easy and complex gallery customization
JsFlickrGallery is a Flickr based gallery plugin for jQuery (1.7+) that doesn't require any server-side image fetching mechanisms due to JSONP usage. It features easy implementation and provides wide set of options for advanced customization, including automatic modal and pagination deployment.
JsFlickrGallery was created by Peter Jankowski (wow, me). I'm reachable through likeadev.com, my GitHub or my Twitter.
Basic usage is really simple. Just follow these steps:
- First, download, or pull JsFlickrGallery from GitHub,
- download jQuery version 1.7 or higher,
- Boostrap Twitter modal is required, so you'll either need to fetch whole Bootstrap package or only the modal module under this address,
- transition detection for
is also required. Best choice would be Bootstrap Transitions, - move and eventually extract fetched content - jQuery script, Bootstrap CSS and script, JsFlickrGallery script and CSS (optional) - to your project folder,
add following code to your head section:
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/bootstrap.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/js-flickr-gallery.js"></script> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/bootstrap.css"/>
you can also add optional JsFlickrGallery styles to make your gallery look more tasty (strongly suggested):
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/js-flickr-gallery.css"/>
And that's it. Now if you'll put following snippet in your code:
<div data-toggle="jsfg" data-tags="dogs" data-per-page="10"></div>
JsFlickrGallery will create (automatically, once document is ready) a gallery inside this div that'll
contain 10 photos per page with tag
"dogs", fetched from public stack. This way you can create multiple galleries with different tags,
size (still, remember about
Flickr APIs Terms of Use) and even target certain user.
Works only for DOM elements with data-toggle="jsfg"
You can also deploy galleries manually, eg. for <div id="gallery">
use code:
Argument options
is an object that contains plugin configuration
parameters. See the documentation for more details.
Attributes that can be attached to gallery placeholder. All attributes attached to tag have higher priority than plugin options
Name | Description |
data-tags |
Tags separated by spaces which filter images fetched from Flickr. This attribute is mandatory when using automatic requests without providing any set ID. When set ID is present, this one becomes obsolete |
data-user-id |
User ID from whom data should be fetched. Optional |
data-per-page |
How many photos should be displayed per page |
data-set-id |
Set ID from which we want to fetch photos. Important - this one will nullify the effect of tags and user_id entries |
Small set of methods accessible through gallery plugin instance
Name | Params | Returns | Description |
createGallery |
page : Integer | Plugin | Creates gallery in container. Called every time when new gallery instance is created. Only appends photos list to container, doesn't deploy pagination nor modal window |
clearGallery |
- | Plugin | Hide photos and remove them. If loader is true then displays loader |
isLastPage |
- | boolean | Check if current page is the last page of the gallery |
nextPage |
- | Plugin / boolean | Display next page of the gallery. Returns false if current page is the last one |
prevPage |
- | Plugin / boolean | Display previous page of the gallery. Returns false if current page is the first one |
prevImage |
- | Plugin / boolean | Diplay previous gallery image in modal window. Available only if modal window is enabled |
nextImage |
- | Plugin / boolean | Diplay next gallery image in modal window. Available only if modal window is enabled, else returns false |
Options passed as argument when manually creating an instance of gallery
Name | Type | Default | Description |
fetchImages |
boolean | true | Determines whether photos should be fetched from Flickr |
animation |
string | "fade" | Gallery toggle animation type. Available values: 'fade', 'show'. Set false to disable |
animationSpeed |
number | 250 | Entry animation speed in miliseconds |
preload |
object | - | Modal window preload control mechanism. Set false to disable |
range |
number | 2 | How many photos should be preloaded |
structure |
object | - | Structure settings |
.ulClass |
string | "thumbnails" | Class attached to unordered list element. Mandatory |
.liClass |
string | "span1" | Class attached to list item elements. Mandatory |
.aClass |
string | "thumbnail" | Class attached to anchor elements. Mandatory |
modal |
object | - | Modal window settings. False to disable modal display |
generate |
boolean | true | Should modal markup be generated |
id |
string | "jsfg-modal" | Modal container id |
title |
string | ".modal-header h3" | Title selector |
imageContainerClass |
string | ".modal-image" | Modal's image container in which images are placed |
onContainerNext |
boolean | true | Switch to next image on image container click |
imageFadeTime |
number | 250 | Image fade in time |
prevClass |
string | ".btn.modal-prev" | Previous button class selector. Always selected in context of the modal window |
nextClass |
string | ".btn.modal-next" | Next button class selector. Always selected in context of the modal window |
prevText |
string | "Previous image" | Previous button title. Attached only when modal is generated |
nextText |
string | "Previous image" | Next button title. Attached only when modal is generated |
offsetWidth |
number | 100 | Modal horizontal offset used in image scaling |
offsetHeight |
number | 200 | Modal vertical offset used in image scaling |
pagination |
object | - | Pagination settings. False to disable pagination |
generate |
boolean | true | Should pagination be generated automatically |
containerClass |
string | ".pagination" | Class added to pagination container when it's generated |
prevClass |
string | ".btn.pagination-prev" | Previous page button class selector. When pagination is generated - it's used in pagination container scope - else in document scope |
nextClass |
string | ".btn.pagination-next" | Next page button class selector. When pagination is generated - it's used in pagination container scope - else in document scope |
prevText |
string | "Previous page" | Previous page button title if it's generated |
nextText |
string | "Next page" | Next page button title if it's generated |
loader |
object | - | Loader settings. False to disable loader |
animation |
boolean | true | Toggle loader animation |
loaderClass |
string | ".jsfg-loader" | Class attached to loader tag and used to select it (mandatory) |
text |
string | "Loading" | Loader static body string |
interval |
number | 200 | Loader animation interval |
mark |
string | "." | String that'll be attached as suffix of loader body string on each interval |
markClass |
string | ".animation-marks" | Class attached to animation marks tag and used to select it (mandatory) |
maxMarks |
number | 3 | Maximum number of displayed marks |
url |
object | - | Url parameters that are sent to Flickr servers |
per_page |
number | 30 | Photos fetched per request |
tagmode |
string | "all" | Photo selection tagmode. Available values: "any" and "all" |
user_id |
string | null | Allows to fetch photos that belong only to certain user |
tags |
string | null | Photo tags separated by whitespace. Mandatory if creating manual gallery instance without defining any tags in gallery container |
error |
object | - | Displayed error settigns |
text |
string | "No photos found" | String displayed when no photos were found |
tagClass |
string | "error" | Class added to error span tag |
imageSizes |
object | - | Contains overridable images sizes. Available values: small (up to 75 x 75), medium (up to 100 x 75), medium (up to 150 x 150), medium (up to 620 x 640), large (up to 1024 in any of two dimensions), original (original image size) |
thumbnailSize |
string | imageSizes["medium"] |
Thumbnail size |
imageSize |
string | imageSizes["large"] |
Target image size that'll be displayed in modal or new tab |
apiUrl |
string | http://api.flickr.com/services/rest/?jsoncallback=? | Flickr API url |